Dawn Madahbee Leach Appointed as Chairperson of the NIEDB
The Board would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to Dawn Madahbee Leach, who on April 30, 2021, was appointed as the new Chairperson of the National Indigenous Economic Development Board.
Ms. Madahbee Leach has been a member of the Board since 2002, and has been an advocate for Indigenous economic prosperity for many years. Ms. Madahbee Leach possesses that rare combination of vision, fairness, and understanding— crucial qualities for an effective leader.
Under Dawn’s leadership, the Board has identified four priority areas to inform engagement efforts and advice to the federal government:
o Developing a National Indigenous Economic Strategy;
o Advancing Economic Reconciliation;
o Regional Economic Development for Indigenous Peoples; and,
o Closing the Data Gap on Key Indigenous Economic Indicators.
These objectives include targeted and strategic deliverables that aim to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.
The Board is looking forward to Ms. Madahbee Leach’s continued leadership in her new role, and the contribution she will make towards the growth and success of Indigenous economic development priorities in Canada.